JALT 2015 data

The files at the bottom of this post are pdf versions of the information we presented at JALT 2015.

[read more=”Read more” less=”Read less”]Each of these documents takes one of the items from our survey related to study abroad expectations and lists that item at the top of the page.

The first bar chart shows how the results came out when we look at all 468 respondents. This is followed in the subsequent bar charts by comparisons of how different subgroups responded to that item. This allows you to compare how a particular subgroup answered vs. the subgroup they were compared with in crosstabs, and also how that subgroup different from all respondents.

At the top of the page you can see a text box, and in the middle it has a line like this | indicating a division between students that disagree with the proposition vs. agree. The bar charts on a given page are organized so this center line marks the dividing point between disagree|agree for every subgroup.

A further discussion of our survey is provided in this post below.

  1. bar_chart_example_version_1
  2. d38_to_present_p_1_of_2
  3. d37_to_present_p_1_of_1
  4. d36_p_to_present_1_of_1
  5. d34_to_present_p_1_of_1
  6. d33_to_present_p_1_of_1
  7. d32_to_present_p_1_of_1
  8. d30_to_present_p_1_of_1
  9. d29_to_present_p_1_of_1
  10. d22_to_present_p_1_of_2[/read]

Published by

Stephen Shrader

Stephen Shrader lives in Japan, where he teaches English to university students. His primary interest is using content from the field of intercultural communication for language teaching, and he is also interested in parallels between learning a new language and learning how to participate in the discourse of a professional community. Over the years he has taught students of all ages, and served for two years as the Program Developer for the Language Institute of Japan. He received his MA in TESOL from the School for International Training.

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